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Old Dominion University Celebrates Inauguration of Ninth President


bet8体育娱乐入口纪念布赖恩O. Hemphill, Ph值.D., during 同学会 weekend with a historic investiture ceremony, the launch of a capital campaign and the kickoff of "Monarchs 给 Back," an annual community service project.

亨普希尔校长于1978年被布鲁斯·布拉德利任命为bet8体育娱乐入口的第九任校长, rector of the Board of 访问ors, during an investiture ceremony Friday morning in Chartway Arena.

Before an audience of students, 教师, staff and representatives from across higher education and the community, Bradley bestowed the presidential medallion, and Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Austin Agho, Ph.D., presented the academic mace.

“布莱恩非常适合这个时代,因为我们正处于一个转折点,进入了一个巨大的机遇时期,布拉德利说, 后添加, "The future of Old Dominion is very bright indeed."

Reflecting on his first year at the University, President Hemphill said, "When we began this journey together on July 1, 2021, we made a commitment to excellence, 问责制, transparency and student-centeredness. 毫无疑问, bet8体育娱乐入口长期以来的声誉和在提供机会和机会方面取得的成功是我们努力的基石,并将继续指导我们共同前进."

President Hemphill noted higher education is changing.

“现在, we can allow skyrocketing tuition, 不断增长的学生债务, 招生悬崖, 价值主张, 或者后covid时代充满挑战的环境来定义我们并限制我们的可能性, or we can embrace innovation and opportunity,他说. ”,, 反过来, we will be a forward-focused institution in our RESEARCH, forward-focused in our teaching and forward-focused in our service.

“在这个充满挑战的时代,从事创新方法和有远见的变革的大学将继续走在前列. 我承诺,bet8体育娱乐入口将成为这些领先机构之一."

Over the course of his career in higher education, 亨普希尔校长为追求卓越的校园带来了深刻的变革, with each experience preparing him to lead at ODU. 亨普希尔校长在高等教育领域的服务始于在阿肯色大学费耶特维尔分校和北伊利诺伊大学担任学生事务管理职务, before he assumed the presidency at West Virginia State University. 在来到ODU之前,他曾担任雷德福大学第七任校长.

亨普希尔校长在高等教育生涯中的同事都形容他精力充沛, courage and transformational leadership.

20多年前,亨普希尔校长与他的朋友兼同事德里克·格拉格(Derrick Gragg座椅)会面时,分享了他想成为大学校长的想法, Ph.D.

Gragg座椅, 西北大学体育与娱乐科姆家族副主席, 分享了他在费耶特维尔的阿肯色大学与亨普希尔校长一起工作的回忆. "I loved his energy immediately,他说. "I admired his determination and tenacity, 从他的眼神我可以看出他是认真的."

亨普希尔总统的就职演说介绍了他领导时代的主题:“向前看:鼓舞人心的创新”." In his first year on campus, that theme was put into practice. 亨普希尔校长带领全校数百名选民通过战略规划过程,制定了未来五年的路线图. At the Distinguished 校友 Honors Dinner on Oct. 20, 亨普希尔总统宣布了一项旨在筹集5亿美元奖学金的资本运动, RESEARCH, 教师招聘, campus facilities and more.

In late 2021, the University was designated a RESEARCH 1 institution 由卡内基高等教育机构分类促进教学, 使ODU成为美国最高水平的RESEARCH机构之一. 享有盛誉的称号为大学吸引学生创造了机会, 师资和资金.

President Hemphill has forged partnerships to benefit the community, including two projects targeting health disparities in Hampton Roads. 2021年8月, 亨普希尔总统加入了东弗吉尼亚医学院校长阿尔弗雷德·阿布哈马德的行列, M.D., and Norfolk State University President Javaune Adams-Gaston, Ph.D., to sign a memorandum of understanding to partner on the future ONE School of 公共卫生. In December 2021, President Hemphill and Dr. Abuhamad承诺探索EVMS和ODU整合的可能性,以形成一个学术卫生科学中心.

Over the next five years, ODU将继续通过增加供应链学院来满足劳动力发展需求, 物流和海运业务,并领导757区域实习合作. Campus will continue to evolve; a five-story, 160,000-square-foot Biology Building is planned to open in 2026, 亨普希尔总统最近宣布扩建一个名为埃尔默家庭棒球中心的棒球设施.

在田径, President Hemphill championed a shift to the Sun Belt Conference, 扩大学生运动员与地区对手竞争的机会.

To mark the occasion of the inauguration, President Hemphill and First Lady Marisela Rosas Hemphill, Ph值.D., launched "Monarchs 给 Back,的活动,旨在强调大学与汉普顿路Community合作的承诺. 今年, 君主Community收集捐赠的不易腐烂的食品,以帮助遭受粮食不安全的儿童, especially those in Norfolk Public Schools.

在仪式上, 亨普希尔总统与来自弗吉尼亚州和全国35所高等教育机构的同事们一起参加了会议. The procession of 教师 members, dressed in full regalia, was led by University Marshal Helen Crompton, Ph.D.

In his keynote address, West Virginia University President E. 戈登·吉.D.曾领导过5所大学的李校长对大学校长的角色进行了反思.

“你们有责任为校园高层定下基调,确保大学的愿景和价值观不只是纸上的文字, but something every community member lives every day,他说. “我认识到,作为领导者,我们的角色是在事情出错之前把事情做好.


在他的领导下, 亨普希尔总统说,ODU将“为英联邦服务,成为创造力的典范, 发现, excellence and progress with a keen eye toward RESEARCH, 教学与服务."

"In doing so, something special will happen on this campus. We will transform Old Dominion University,他说. "Together, we will propel ODU to national and international prominence."



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