Student Account 计费


学费 Payment is Due

  • On the due date specified for the term, 或在注册时(如果你在学费到期日之后注册).
  • 即使你有 pending domicile (residency) decision
  • Even if you did not receive an e-bill 通知
  • 即使你没有参加你注册的课程

Missed the Due Date?

如果你没有按时缴纳学费,你的账户将被罚款 迟到罚款金融持有收集费用.

即使你不交学费,你也将保持注册. 不支付学费和不出勤并不免除您支付注册课程的责任.

添加/删除 & 退款期限


Old Dominion University no longer mails paper bills. All billing is done via e-mail (e-billing). 未收到帐单声明并不免除您支付费用的责任.

With Old Dominion University's 电子账单 System, 你可以看到你最近的帐单和付款. You can also add your parents, 监护人, 作为“授权用户”访问您的账单并设置存储的付款配置文件.

你的电子账单上有一份你目前在bet8体育娱乐入口的账单, 每项收费的到期日期显示在每项适用收费的左侧. 请在到期日之前付款,以免罚款被计入您的帐户. 如果您对账单有任何疑问,请与您的 Account Representative.

Managing Your Account

  • Old Dominion University uses e-mail billing 通知.
  • Notifications will be sent to your official ODU.EDU address issued to all admitted students.
  • E-mail accounts must be activated by the student.
  • 未能激活或维护您的官方电子邮件帐户将不会成为未能按时付款的有效理由.
  • 没有收到电子账单并不意味着你不能在截止日期前支付学费.
  • You can access ODU's Student Accounts Suite via 狮子座在线 (use 迈达斯 ID and password).

Students on a Payment Plan

When on a payment plan, 学生将继续收到一个全面的帐单,每月总费用与原来的学费截止日期作为到期日. 本报表不提供付款计划、分期付款日期或金额. 学生必须登录狮子座在线查看每个分期付款的金额和到期日.

Timing Issues for 计费

Advance bills are sent via e-mail to the student e-mail address. 学生的电子邮件地址必须由学生激活,前提是学生在学期开始前至少30天注册.

Student Registration Date 账单通知
看到 Enrollment Guide for cutoff date.
计费 statement sent via e-mail in advance.
在开课和交学费截止日期前30天内. Review via 狮子座在线
On or after the published deadline for the term. Review via 狮子座在线



Students must login through 狮子座在线.

  1. 点击“狮子座在线 网站登录 & 安全区域."
  2. 向下滚动并单击密钥图标以进入安全区域.
  3. 登录页面出现—使用您的Midas ID和Midas密码登录.
  4. 点击“在线支付或在这里注册e退款”链接."


Authorized users must login through the secure Touchnet website.

在登录屏幕上,输入完整的电子邮件地址和密码 Authorized User Login area.

Students can add an "Authorized User" to their accounts. 授权用户(通常是家长/监护人)可以通过以下方式登录 Touchnet to make payments to the account.

To add an authorized user to your student account:

  1. 去 狮子座在线
  2. 点击 top link - "Enter 狮子座在线 网站登录 and 安全区域."
  3. 阅读网站登录. Scroll down to the bottom.
  4. 点击“进入安全区域"链接(查找密钥)登录到您的安全访问站点.
  5. To login, enter 迈达斯 ID and password. 您的迈达斯 ID和密码与您用于MyODU, gmail, Canvas, Monarch-Key等相同.
  6. 点击 link, "Make Online Payment or Sign Up for e退款 here."
  7. 点击 "授权用户" tab.
  8. 点击“Add Authorized User."
  9. Enter the email address of the authorized user and select “附加选项."
  10. 点击“继续."
  11. 读了 协议声明 and 检查 the box "I Agree."
  12. Print the agreement and click "Continue."
  13. Please read the message that displays in red.


  1. 去 狮子座在线
  2. 点击顶部的链接-“进入LEO在线网站登录和安全区”."
  3. 阅读网站登录. Scroll down to the bottom.
  4. 点击“进入安全区域”链接(寻找密钥)登录到您的安全访问站点.
  5. To login, enter 迈达斯 ID and password. 您的迈达斯 ID和密码与您用于MyODU, gmail, Canvas, Monarch-Key等相同.
  6. 点击登录. You can view your student information and records.
  7. Select "Student Records"
  8. Select "Student Account by Term"

Basic 迈达斯 Information:

  • You must create and activate your 迈达斯 account.
  • 请浏览 迈达斯 主页获取信息并设置您的迈达斯帐户.

你的电子账单上有一份你目前在bet8体育娱乐入口的账单, 每项收费的到期日期显示在每项适用收费的左侧. 请在到期日之前付款,以免罚款被计入您的帐户. 如果您对账单有任何疑问,请与您的 Account Representative.


  • 首先,访问您的学生记录并确认您的注册(在狮子座在线). 看到 狮子座在线 instructions for log in instructions.
  • To obtain the amount of tuition, fees, 等. incurred, go to "Student Records"; select "Student Account by Term". Links are also provided on the registration pages.
  • Print a copy of this record for billing purposes. 此信息以您的姓名和适合官方用途的大学印章格式化.
  • 对登记的任何更改都可能导致对帐单的修改. 建议学生在任何时候更改注册时立即重新打印账单副本.
  • 学费到期日期列在本页和学术日历上.
  • Due to the frequency of course changes, 副本和/或修改后的电子账单将不会在学费到期日前30天内发送. 建议学生通过LeoOnline门户website在线管理他们的帐户.
  • 在学费截止日期后,建议学生通过LeoOnline登录他们的帐户进行自助服务.
  • 滞纳金 是否按照大学政策对逾期帐目进行评估.
  • 注册后未参加课程不能作为免收学费的理由. 学生必须在退课/加课截止日期前正式退课,才有资格获得退款或免除费用. 未能支付将不会免除学生对这些费用的责任.
  • If you are enrolled in a payment plan, 您将继续收到一个全面的帐单,每个月的总费用与原来的学费截止日期作为到期日. 本报表不提供付款计划、分期付款日期或金额, 只能在您的在线学生帐户中查看(通过LeoOnline).


Available payment options for students, including payment plans, third-party payments, 现金, 检查, 汇款单, 信用卡, 等.


Delinquent accounts are subject to 迟到罚款, 账户持有, could be forwarded to collections.


Account Representatives

如果您发现错误或对您的收费有疑问, your account representative may be able to assist.

Please send email inquiries to: 或联系:

  • Office of 金融援助 757-683-3683 关于经济援助、贷款和/或奖学金的问题.
  • Office of Finance - Student Accounts Receivable 757-683-3030 with billing and/or payment questions.
  • University Registrar's 在线表单 关于注册,州内费率评估,地址变更的问题.
  • Office of Distance 学习 for assistance for Distance 学习 Students.